
Frequently asked questions regarding Unity and the VRChat SDK

What Unity version does VRChat use?

Currently VRChat is using Unity 2017.4.15f1. There are multiple supported ways to get the right version up and running on your PC.

When you first launch Unity 2017.4.15f1 it asks you if you want to update, do not update! Only this version of Unity works with the VRChat SDK!

How do i update the SDK?

To update the VRChat SDK follow these simple steps.

  1. Close the Unity project you are trying to update.

  2. Login to the VRChat homepage and go to the download page and grab the newest SDK.

  3. Find the folder of your unity project, go into Assets and delete the following 4 files and folders

    1. VRCSDK

    2. VRCSDK.meta

    3. Plugins/VRCSDK

    4. Plugins/VRCSDK.meta

  4. Open up your Unity project again and import the new VRCSDK (either double click the Unitypackage or drag it into your projects assets)

  5. Congratulations, you have updated your SDK

If you are trying to migrate from Unity 5.6.3p1 please read this guide here.

Last updated

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